It's little more than a tag, and it's easily undone. Staging a file means that you've marked the file for inclusion in the next code commit. The first thing you typically do with a file in Git is stage it. This article focuses on text files because Git Cola doesn't natively support external Git extensions. For very diverse projects that involve lots of binary (non-text) data, there are tools like git-annex and Git-portal to enable you to benefit from Git without suffering from its aversion to large files. And just because Git is intended primarily for text, that doesn't mean you can't make an exception here and there.
#Git cola keeps asking for username pdf#
So is anything based in JSON or XML, such as the SVG graphics format, the PostScript (PS, the basis of PDF files) format, source code (PY, JAVA, and so on), and many more. Besides actual text files, there are many file formats that are based on raw text. For instance, HTML and CSS are pure text formats. Text formats are more prevalent than you may think. If you change a JPEG file in any way, you're essentially creating a brand new file because, while it's possible to generate the difference (a "diff" or "delta" in software terminology) between one version and the other, the amount of data required to represent that likely will be larger than both images combined. For instance, a JPEG image is actually a complex matrix of pixel values and positions passed through a compression algorithm. But there's a catch: not all file formats are suitable for version tracking. Technically, Git doesn't really care what kinds of files you add to your project. Git is primarily intended for use with text-based formats. Using your OS's file manager (Files on GNOME, Finder on macOS, Explorer on Windows), add some files to your project directory on your hard drive. It's up to you to populate your project with files, so for the moment, leave Git Cola behind.